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“Kay is far and above the best and most knowledgeable trainer that I have ever worked with, and I am so grateful for her. Her workouts are challenging (as they should be!) but she tailors each workout to the individual, and is supportive and encouraging throughout the entire session!"

Melissa , PA

Before & After Photos

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Knoxville, TN


Rachel was a former powerlifter but hurt herself and fell off of the fitness wagon. She was interested in trying body building style workouts and also wanted to get as lean as possible for her wedding. In just one month Rachel transformed her body working out at her gym 4x times a week, performing cardio 3x times a week and carefully meal prepping new menus every week.

Philadelphia, PA


Melissa had worked out with trainers in the past but had never done an online trainer before. Now she's never going back to in person training! She feels that training online is even more convenient and just as effective as training in person, AND she has learned how to set up equipment and feel confident in the gym! She has done an amazing job transforming her body by lifting weights 3x a week and doing cardio 3x times a week.

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Washington DC


Daniel had a high stress job in the restaurant business. He had already lost a ton of weight on his own but still wasn't happy with his results. He told me he wanted "good lighting abs". After creating a workout plan and giving the correct macros Daniel achieved his physique by following his custom work out plan and lifting at his gym 5 days a week, 4 sessions a stair master and carb cycling.

Arlington, VA


Krista is a busy mom of three little girls. When her husband was deployed during covid she put on some weight during that stressful period. Krista transformed her body with cutting back on her alcohol intake, working out in her garage 3x a week (2 virtual sessions and 1 session on her own following her custom plan) and diving head first into macros!

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Before & After Photos

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